The 3 Amigos – aka Reid, Mel and Bolderado

All about Reid and Mel

Reid and I met about 15 years or so ago. We we both active members of the Backcountry Fly Fishers in Orlando and met at a meeting and began to bond at club fishing trips. Three years into our friendship, I moved out of state, back to Colorado for a job opportunity. Reid and I stayed in touch and over the years, I came to visit Orlando many times. At first to see Reid, his wife and friends. Later, my job took me to Orlando a few times for conferences. On those trips Reid and I would frequently go out on Mosquito Lagoon and fish. In addition to feeding my salt fly fishing habit, I was also able to learn to pole Reid’s skiff. It really is an amazing boat!

In comes Mel

It was my turn to host Reid and until I had the home in Victor, I really couldn’t provide a great experience. So the date had finally come when I invited Reid to the cabin. And as we were making arrangements over the phone, Reid asked if he could bring his friend Mel. Made sense to me, I clearly had room for two fishermen in the boat. Mel it turns out, is just an all around great guy! Not to mention that he is extremely knowledgable, but also a great fly caster and fly tyer. Not long after we had arranged for a salt place Mel’s family had rented before on Little Gasparilla Island (LGI) in Florida. Close to renowned Charlotte Harbor, known for big tarpon and incredible flats fishing. LGI has great fishing too! Fishing for snook on the beach has been my favorite type of saltwater frst tried it at Bathtub beach nnear Pt St Lucie in Florida. OK, back to Reid and Mel, that LGI trip was one of the best fishing trips ever for me. And, the three of us really bonded.

Enter the Three Amigos

The picture above is the first Three Amigos picture. And we came up with Three Amigos after ths trip. We have since had a few more trips to Victor and also to Mel’s new place in Everglades City. The fishing there is very technical and finding the fish difficult, but Mel has the smarts to figure it out and we always catch fish!

Looking forward to many more trips and incredible experiences with these guys!

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