Most of my dinner recipes are quick to prepare, because I make them after a day of fishing and I don’t want to eat late. This is a recipe that i cook on a non-fishing day, because it takes awhile to prepare. The advantage is, it is an easy microwave heat-up and will last for […]
Sailing the BVS’s 2021
My wife and I love to sail. We developed this passion thanks to my bro and his wife. We are fortunate to have sailed with them a few times as their guests. The last trip was this past fall to the British Virgin Islands. We sailed out of Tortola and we had brief stay in […]
The Tao of Fly Fishing
For many fly fishers, myself included, there is an unmistakeable connection to nature that keeps us coming back. This can be true regardless of whether or not we catch fish. That connection is strongest for me whenI’m standing in a river. Water creates a connection to nature, flowing water, even more so. The Tao can […]
To Fish, or not to Fish, that is the Question
Ok, it should be known, that i fish all year. Sure, fewer days in winter overall, but I already have three days under my belt so far this winter. Last Sunday I decided to go and it did not go well. When I arrived at the river, t was 12 degrees. The cold didn’t bother […]
Jumping a Tarpon
Early December of 2021, with all of the COVID testing going on, we managed a sailing trip to the British Virgin Islands, via San Juan Puerto Rico, with many thanks to my brother and his wife who are the sailboat owners. On the first night of the sail from Tortola, we moored in a protected […]
Why the Dry?
When there is a big hatch and the fish are on it, of course everyone grabs their 3 or 4 weight and ties on the dries that best match the hatch. There are magical green drake hatches on Henry’s Fork(see pic below for instance) and amazing Blue Winged Olive (BWO) hatches in the spring on […]